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Webserver Stress Tool -Professional Edition 商業單機下載版

Webserver Stress Tool is a powerful HTTP-client/server test application designed to pinpoint critical performance issues in your web site or web server that may prevent optimal experience for your site's visitors.
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Web Server Performance, Load, and Stress-Test

Webserver Stress Tool is a powerful HTTP-client/server test application designed to pinpoint critical performance issues in your web site or web server that may prevent optimal experience for your site's visitors.

By simulating the HTTP requests generated by hundreds or even thousands of simultaneous users, you can test your web server performance under normal and excessive loads to ensure that critical information and services are available at speeds your end-users expect.

Detailed test logs and several easy to read graphs make analyzing results a snap. Webserver Stress Tool for Windows (2000/XP/2003/Vista) can benchmark almost any HTTP server (e.g. static pages, JSPs/ASPs, or CGIs) for performance, load, and stress-tests.

Webserver Stress Tool

Performance, Load, and Stress-Test for Web Servers

By simulating the HTTP requests generated by up to 10.000 simultaneous users, you can test your web server performance under normal and under excessive loads to ensure that critical information and services are available at speeds your end-users expect.

The Easy-to-use HTTP Load Generator for Windows

This software is quick to set up, it is easy to use and can create enormous loads for web servers.

Download&installation in under 5 minutes!
How much load can Webserver Stress Tool generate?


We have successfully tested Webserver Stress Tool 7 with

more than 1 Gigabit/s network load
more than 1,000,000 pageviews per hour and
up to 10,000 simultaneous users
See our Sample Performance Tests section for detailed test reports.

Supported Test Types

Webserver Stress Tool supports a number of different testing types. For example

Performance Tests—this test queries single URLs of a webserver or web application to identify and discover elements that may be responsible for slower than expected performance. This test provides a unique opportunity to optimize server settings or application configurations by testing various implementations of single web pages/script to identify the fastest code or settings.

Load Tests—this tests your entire website at the normal (expected) load. For load testing you simply enter the URLs, the number of users, and the time between clicks of your website traffic. This is a “real world” test.

Stress Tests—these are simulations of “brute force” attacks that apply excessive load to your webserver. This type of “brute force” situation can be caused by a massive spike in user activity (i.e., a new advertising campaign). This is a great test to find the traffic threshold for your webserver.

Ramp Tests—this test uses escalating numbers of users over a given time frame to determine the maximum number of users the webserver can accommodate before producing error messages.
Various other tests—working with Webserver Stress Tool simply gives you more insight about your website, e.g. to determine that web pages can be requested simultaneously without problems like database deadlocks, semaphores, etc.

Why should you use Webserver Stress Tool?

Using Webserver Stress Tool when developing and running Websites is important for your web infrastructure:

Maximize Uptime: Resolve performance critical issues in your webserver before they bring down your website

Maximize Performance: Make sure that your websites and applications are given the server resources they need when they need it to guarantee a high quality user experience

Maximize ROI: Get everything out of the investment in your webserver technology through consistent and in-depth testing and analysis

Maximize Value: Webserver Stress Tool is the most cost-effective solution in the market for simulating performance, load, and stress tests for your web server

Minimize Efforts: The software installs in 5 minutes and works with all web servers
Read more about the features or see more screenshots of Webserver Stress Tool.

最新試用版立即下載 :


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版本規格 : Webserver Stress Tool -Professional Edition 商業單機下載版

Remark : 以原廠發佈之最新版本供貨!

授權期限 : 永久授權


Recommended Hardware and Operating SystemsThe preferred operating environment is Windows XP/2000/2003/2008/Vista on a workstation with at least a 1 GHz processor, 512 MB RAM, and a fast network connection. The target webservers can be of any operating system.

Test Client Details Operating System: Although Webserver Stress Tool runs on all 32bit Windows versions (Win95, 98, ME, XP, 2000, NT, 2003, 2008) it is strongly recommended to run it on a Windows NT machine or better (i.e. Windows XP, 2000, NT, 2003, Vista) because of limitations in Win9x/ME's IP stack.

Hardware: Serious testing can be conducted with a machine of 1 Ghz and more.

More CPU power and multithreading or multiprocessing will be helpful for high traffic scenarios (e.g. when several thousand users are simulated). Try to supply 512 MB of RAM, 1 GB should be enough even for high traffic scenarios. Webserver Stress Tool records the CPU load of the client machine during the test, so you can check after a test whether you need more processing power.

Network: For load tests the network connection between the test client and the server is critical. For the connection between the server and the test client you must provide the full total bandwidth that an equal number of real users would use when accessing your server!

Target Webserver Details Webserver Stress Tool can test all HTTP servers that are accessible via TCP/IP since nothing has to be installed on the webserver and the connections to the server are using standard HTTP protocol. For example you can use it with the following webserver environments

Windows IIS

Apache on Windows or Linux



Various flavors of Linux

語言介面 : 英文

供應廠商 : Paessler AG 原廠正式授權代理商 祺荃企業有限公司


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